articles & blogs

Themes of 2023

Themes of 2023

Hello Beautiful People! It is so wonderful to enter 2023 with you! Thank you for being here to ride the waves of time together. I wanted to bring to you a ‘snap shot’ of the major themes and growth points I’ve continually been sensing over the past 2 months in regards...

Thoughts on the ‘industy’ of Spirituality

Thoughts on the ‘industy’ of Spirituality

A few weeks ago I mentioned on instagram that I was going to share my thoughts on the icky-ness of the spiritual industry.  Well, here it is...  Have you noticed there has been a growing sense of collective jaded-ness about spirituality over the past couple of years?...

The metamorphosis of a Dark Night of the Soul

The metamorphosis of a Dark Night of the Soul

The metamorphosis of a Dark Night of the Soul is a spiritual process. We can see this so clearly with the caterpillar who essentially builds it’s own tomb or womb or void space and willingly enters the darkness to dissolve (entirely into a soup!) to be transformed and...

The Year of the Heart

The Year of the Heart

(It’s really an 18month process as this theme is reflective of the north and south nodes in Taurus & Scorpio till July 2023 on top of the 6 numerology of this 2022 year.) I mean - where do we go when it’s time to metamorphosis and transform? What do we listen to...

2022 Comprehensive Themes Overview & Reflective Questions

2022 Comprehensive Themes Overview & Reflective Questions

Hello Beautiful People! Welcome to the acid trip /plant medicine journey of 2022! It’s going to be a magical carpet ride of a year. One that has the potential to elevate us even further, expand us into the force of Magic and bring us into gentler communication...

Trusting Yourself, Trauma & Intuition

Trusting Yourself, Trauma & Intuition

Trusting and believing in yourself is intrinsically linked to embracing and developing your intuition. Your natural intuitive abilities are inherent within you and will strengthen and develop the more you begin to anchor in and trust in yourself. For me it’s been...

Understanding the power and nature of your energy field

Understanding the power and nature of your energy field

When your energy field and your hearts electromagnetic field is open and at its natural resting state (which is unique to you) you will be in a state of coherence. This means; - you will feel in your body and connect to Self. - you will be present and in the 'now'. -...

Embodiment & Anxiety

Embodiment & Anxiety

Years ago.. I never fully understood the word embodiment let alone the actual state of being.. And if I were to reflect, I would say that for most of my life I had been very disengaged from my body despite the fact that I would intuitively and energetically perceive...

Self Love

Self Love

Self love is the act of choosing yourself in all actions, situations and life choices. Especially the small actions and situations. Many people say they love themselves because they treat themselves to nice things and regularly do acts of self care (bubble baths,...

Beginning my Relationship with Women & my Dead Mother.

Beginning my Relationship with Women & my Dead Mother.

This is a personal story. A spiritual story. These words will have a hint of hurt and anger in them still…. but the edges of hurt are a softening. This is about women… and my mother. To be honest – I haven’t liked women all that much. That’s a big harsh statement… one...

Tales from the Table – inside an intuitive session

Tales from the Table – inside an intuitive session

Sometimes intuitive readings don’t go to plan. In fact, that’s how it should be in my books. A beautiful, gentle client got in touch with me to book a top-up session as there were a few things she needed confirmation and clarity on. I met Kyra back last December or...

ANXIETY, EXHAUSTION & BURNOUT are wicked little teachers

ANXIETY, EXHAUSTION & BURNOUT are wicked little teachers

After the brilliant fullness of last year I crashed and burned in December. The day it really hit me was Christmas Eve.. I still hadn’t done any christmas shopping and found myself hurried and exhausted with all the other droves of people in a large shopping centre....

SOUL SCHOOL MONTHLY: take a deep dive adventure into the unseen world of intuition & energy