BEYOND THE VEILS is a 4 module/4 week deep dive intuitive development course that guides you through the foundational knowledge that provides clarity, depth of understanding & confidence
in your natural intuitive and spiritual nature.
Over the course of the 4 weeks you will
- Have the opportunity to participate in the weekly live calls or watch the replay.
- Develop & strengthen connection with your incredible holy human form through energetic activities.
- Understand the importance and playfulness of cultivating your intuitive skill to support you & your life.
- Partake in the private inner hue village community to share experiences, celebrate wins and ask questions.
As Caroline Myss put it so clearly – ‘Intuition is not novel, it is a necessity’
Cultivating & trusting your intuition is such a deep passion of mine. There’s nothing quite like having deep trust & connection to your inner being. To be able to support & celebrate others as they
reclaim and redevelop this inherent, essential & natural human ability brings me incredible joy.
- Making sense of spirituality through our human form.
- Spiritual to Material (not the other way round!)
- What intuition actually is. Developing awareness & understanding of our 4 bodies – Physical, Etheric, Astral & Spirit.
- The role of the Heart.
- Exploring what it means to be a spiritually starved society & the impacts of materialism and the intellect.
- The cost of betraying or denying your spiritual sense.
- Understanding our lower and upper emotional & mental bodies to cultivate integration & create transformation & change. (This is key!)
- Intuition & Trauma
- Preparing our body for spiritual engagement.
- Creating orientation in your Self.
- Balancing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies for confident discernment and trust in your intuition & spiritual essence.
- Understanding your own unique intuitive language.
- Exploration of your clairs/ psychic senses. Participate in a group live activity.
- Strengthening & developing your spiritual sense.
- Psychic protection & self care when spiritually developing or doing intuitive work.
Pre course material accessible upon joining
Course starts Monday 18th September.
Course lives are held on:
Monday 18th September
Monday 25th September
Monday 2nd October
Monday 9th October
Two live sessions held to cater to time difference
Monday @ 9.30am
Monday @ 7pm
Duration of sessions – 90mins
All sessions will be recorded and uploaded into the Beyond the Veils course portal.