Top Up Session / Follow up Session

A top up session is a great way to ‘check in’ with someone outside of yourself and the details of your life to provide you supportive confirmation and clarification on what you yourself may alread sense and know, leaving you feeling connected and empowered.

I will connect with your unique soul and energy expression and relay the details I sense pertaining to your soul and area’s of your life in support of your alignment and self connection for the time an season you are within.

I will share with you what is shifting, changing and transmuting within you and your life, along with what you’re being further invited to step into and align with. So expect within the session to be a balance of exploring both the shadow and light of yourSelf in an integrative manner.

If you are ready for a top up session, you will feel a clear, quite knowing. You won’t be compelled out of fear or insecurity or urgency. You will feel grounded and ‘in sync’ with yourself.

Prior to having the session with me, please take time to jot down any topics or questions you’d specifically like to explore within the session and bring that note along with you.


+ A top- up session with me is generally between 1 – 1.5 hours long. I know that sounds like a long time but the feedback I’m given is that the session goes super swiftly. Often people don’t realise how much time has past.

+ I read the most present and important information that is coming through at the time of the reading. We can only be where we are at and my job is to best support you in your own internal evolution and up levelling and the external life changes and transitions.

+ I go into as much details as I possibly can. If I can’t tune into something with confidence I am honest and will let you know.

+ I don’t ‘predict’ the future. I read the frequency streams and potentials that are linked and mos present to where you are at within your life and where your soul is at within its expansion and growth journey. There are many potential pathways a person can take or not take. We continue t experience the ‘same thing’ no matter the situation or person involved until we have learnt the lesson, changed our energy and done the true alignment work. Future potentials exist on many different frequency streams, its all a matter of whether we align with a certain pathway that is linked to our souls evolution.

+ Occasionally I share insight and information about past lives, alternate realities, extraterrestrials or other paradigms. Sometimes I connect with a deceased loved who wishes to come through. Occasionally I am able to instigate and established connection with a deceased loved one.


SOUL SCHOOL MONTHLY: take a deep dive adventure into the unseen world of intuition & energy