By redefining what it means to be You, you recreate your world.

Reconnect / Recode is a 12 week container space to spiritually explore yourself in ways that
activate portals of energy within to explore and redefine yourself through.

Begins April 4th 2022

We are at the beginning of the most significant and powerful transformation in human history.

What we are witnessing in the world is the crumbling of systems, structures, values, beliefs and ideologies because they are no longer supported vibrationally. We have out grown the Old World and with that the old version of what it means to be human.

We are now entering a new era of consciousness that invites us further into our intuition and expanded perception, allowing us to see ourselves and our humanness and world through a new kaleidoscope lens.

Reconnect/Recode is a container for the re-membering of You.

A space to usher you into your own inner depths, rediscovering your unique vibrational make-up, soul history and sovereign alignment.

It is a haven space to organically and intuitively move into an expanded embodiment of yourSelf and experience more of the power and potency of your Light.

Investment – $650AUD.
Payment plan available.

Reconnect/Recode is a 3 month, 6 module immersion that journeys you into your multidimensional nature, expanding you forever.

This container has been designed to activate all of your senses.

Each module has been created to feed your consciousness with new information and energies that may challenge and excite you.

Nourishing your body and being-ness with a depth of reconnection you’ve been craving, while also awakening your expanded senses so you can experience more of yourself, coming to know yourself a-new and having that powerfully yet gently ripple out into your life.

How deep you embody and explore yourself through this program is entirely up to you.

Each persons experience will be unique, yet so on point with what you require and are ready for right now.

Reconnect/ Recode releases a new module every fortnight.

Each module is released every two weeks.

The first webinar is a welcome webinar to connect and set the tone for our time together.
I will also take you through a guided energetic meditation.

Webinars are then held in the first week of every module release on Thursday at 10AM AEST (Wednesday evening depending on where you’re based) where we will further explore and develop upon the module content along with Q&A time.

All webinars are recorded and will be sent to your email to watch at a later date if you are unable to join.


Rooting into your Foundations

This adventure is an invitation to experience yourself differently. It’s an invitation to embrace MORE of yourSelf.

  • The foundations of developing your intuition and connection with your internal self. This covers both the foundational energetic activities as well as the physical, emotional and mental care and support needed.
  • Creating deeper connection with yourself – ritual practises and contemplation.
  • Addressing fears, uncertainty & self doubt.

How self acceptance awakens you

  • Understanding the vibrational potency of self acceptance and self love.
  • Building a strong foundation – self certainty, self betrayal and self abandonment and how that impacts your health, potency, intuition and self trust.
  • Connecting with Gaia and understanding how her consciousness and your consciousness are interacting and supporting each other.
  • Intuitive embodiment practises to support your healing and ability to hold more light.

Hu-Man is Light in Manifest

  • What being multidimensional means. Introduction into your field of light.
  • Understanding Linear & Multidimensional consciousness through peacock symbology.
  • The importance of caring for your energy field and supporting it to move into its expansion.
  • Understanding the role of your etheric and astral field in regards to your consciousness .
  • Tree Meditation to activate your psychic circuitry.

Your Organic Evolution

  • Exploring your unique Cycle of Growth.
  • Understanding the spiritual science and process of the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’
  • Radical honesty & the importance being in-sync with your own organic timing.
  • Practical component of identifying energetic configurations and conscious configuration.
  • Connecting with your golden pathway of ascension.
  • Practising a variety of harmonic resonances and light spectrum practises.

Exploring earth’s history – Lemuria & Atlantis

  • Expanding our rememberance into previous earth epochs.
  • Re-claiming our human history.
  • Past lives and soul development.

Organic evolution v’s Divergent evolution

  • Earth’s rising consciousness & returning to our True Nature.
  • Divine Feminine rising and cultural shifts.
  • Transhumanism & inter-dimensionals.

Reconnect / Recode Module and Webinar Dates

Each module is released every two weeks.

The first webinar is a welcome webinar to connect and set the tone for our time together.
I will also take you through a guided energetic meditation.

Webinars are then held in the first week of every module release on Thursday at 10AM AEST (Wednesday evening depending on where you’re based) where we will further explore and develop upon the module content along with Q&A time.

All webinars are recorded and will be sent to your email to watch at a later date if you are unable to join.

Honestly, it’s hard to really put into words the journey and unfolding this program will usher you through.

And as much as there will be extensive information, I will be supporting and encouraging you all the way to open up to your own experiences and embodiment of your Self.

This course will change how you relate and experience yourself. It will strengthen your self trust, your intuition and how you interact with the world, calling in New Earth.


Payment Plan: $220 x 3 months

SOUL SCHOOL MONTHLY: take a deep dive adventure into the unseen world of intuition & energy