When you’ve reached that point in your spiritual growth where it’s time to confront and address the next layer of your Shadow so you may move into the next phase of your Self and life, it calls for you to actively cultivate and choose a type of attitude and relationship with yourself that is loving, patient and accepting but also, strong, courageous and brave.

Confronting your Shadow is transcendent. It liberates your energy so that you may do what is next necessary in honour of yourSelf and your Soul.


Identifying your Shadow archetypes, understanding their energy dynamics, behaviours and attributes they hold, learning what triggers them and which areas of your life they are most likely to play out within, supports you to not only become aware of how you’re blocking yourself but also provides you with the information you need to be able to transcend your fears to grow and expand.

Within this session…

We will dive into the areas of your life where you experience blocks and uncover how these four archetypes are playing and what they’re actually communicating to you in support of your growth and Rise. Within the session we will most likely identify other Light leading archetypes that are central to your expansion. 

You will come out of the session feeling empowered and holding the skills and tools to support yourself in creating the life, goals and dreams you wish to create.


Identifying your Shadow archetypes, understanding their energy dynamics, behaviours and attributes they hold, learning what triggers them and which areas of your life they are most likely to play out within, supports you to not only become aware of how you’re blocking yourself but also provides you with the information you need to be able to transcend your fears to grow and expand.

within this session…

We will dive into the areas of your life where you experience blocks and uncover how these four archetypes are playing and what they’re actually communicating to you in support of your growth and Rise. Within the session we will most likely identify other Light leading archetypes that are central to your expansion. 

You will come out of the session feeling empowered and holding the skills and tools to support yourself in creating the life, goals and dreams you wish to create.

(2 hour session)

If this is something you’re ready for – holler! laurenaletta@innerhue.com

Let me know in the email where you’re based in the world and I will get back to you with available times and dates.

“Woah, this is SO powerful! I can now see exactly how I’ve been giving away my power and blocking myself from creating and receiving what I want”. – Nadia

“This session was so empowering! It’s given me so much insight! I feel like I now know what to do!” – Lucy, Writer & Designer



The Child in its integrated Light is playful, creative, imaginative and resourceful. It believes in possibility, magic and miracles. It is curious, gentle, loving and wise in that beautiful child like way.

However, The Child (depending on the life experiences you’ve had) can be an Abandoned Child, Dependent Child or Brat. It can also be the Enchanted Child where the child within you escapes into daydreams and fantasy. There is also a Child archetype that I call the ‘Shut Down’ or Wounded child. This child archetype is often mute or incredibly angry. This child doesn’t know what it wants or what it likes, it feels depressed, heavy, lost, angry, unsupported and/or ‘silenced’ due to long term shunning, or a significant wounding event.

The Child within is here to support you to step into your own sovereign Self Responsibility. To no longer be dependent upon other people for acceptance. When the Child steps into its Self Responsibility, you feel strong and safe to go your own way, to stand up to your family/community when necessary.

It supports you to learn to be Self Responsible for your actions, your emotions, your belongings, and to understand how to work with your vulnerabilities and ‘weaknesses’ whilst drawing strength from your skills and talents.

The Child, like all children requires the necessary nurturing for it /you to become responsible and independent.

the prostitute

The prostitute comes alive in subtle, every day ways within your personal and professional lives. And it comes alive the most when you feel your survival is threatened.

Its behaviours are that where you ‘sell yourself’.

Sell out your values, morals, integrity, intelligence, skills for self acceptance, perceived opportunity and/or for the sake of physical security. Ultimately, compromising your own personal power and not being in your own self responsibility and independence.

The prostitute invites you to know your own value and worth and to honour it. To not sell yourself out for someone or something else.

It also invites you to cultivate faith. To anchor into your own guidance and knowing that by honouring You – your worth, your work, your creations, your energy that you will be supported. The Prostitute is your ally who lets know when you’re shifting your faith from what your deep knowing and vision is telling you to a short term physical outcome.

Hope you’ve enjoyed reading about these guys!

Honestly, they get given a really bad rap. And we often feel disgusted, repulsed or fearful of these archetypal aspects of ourselves and repress them. But, I promise you they are your GREATEST ALLIES. They are powerful beyond measure – it just all depends on whether you are ready and willing to work with them. Instead of allowing them to own you. 


The victim, when it’s DEEP in Shadow is death to your dreams and desires. It is the ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I can’t because of X,Y,Z’. When you’re in your victim you’re disempowered because you’re giving your power away to others  by being how you perceive they want you to be in an attempt to be accepted and chosen.

The powerless Victim can block you because you’ve betrayed yourself, your own authority and truth, giving your power away either physically, emotionally, psychologically or spiritually to a situation or person.

 The other aspect to aligning with your Victim is to stay disempowered because you receive some perceived ‘benefit’ from it. (Which, trust me – is never a benefit in the end.)

The victim within you is there to teach you about your own needs and desires so that you may care for yourself and be in your own authentic power. The victim teaches you the boundaries you need to put in place to honour your needs and to own your personal power. It supports you to re-evaluate your relationship with power and power dynamics, particularly with people who do not honour your personal boundaries and needs.

The victim gets triggered when you feel your safety or sense of acceptance is threatened. Especially if you feel you lack the appropriate personal, professional or social power.

the saboteur

The Saboteur gets activated when you are fearful of change because you’re being invited into the Unknown where there is no guarantees as to whether you achieve and receive your desires and dreams.

The saboteur speaks the language of ‘who do you think you are to do that?’  or ‘lets look at your past history and track record….. see, you’re just going to stuff up here too’.

If you don’t immediately recognise  the voice of your saboteur you may note the behaviour and action of creating an ‘issue’ or ‘problem’ or ‘excuse’ as to why you can’t follow through and ultimately resulting in you sabotaging a situation, opportunity or relationship because you feel fearful of the Unknown and what it may require of you.

 The Saboteur prevents you from receiving the love and connection you desire. It also prevents you from stepping into your own independence, authenticity and creative power.

However, when we understand how the Saboteur communicates to us we can dynamically shift things up by taking action. We silence the saboteur by following our instincts / gut / intuition and taking courageous action in honour of ourSelves to create the kind of change we wish to see and experience.

Connect with me at laurenaletta@innerhue.com and we can go from there.



The Child in its integrated Light is playful, creative, imaginative and resourceful. It believes in possibility, magic and miracles. It is curious, gentle, loving and wise in that beautiful child like way.

However, The Child (depending on the life experiences you’ve had) can be an Abandoned Child, Dependent Child or Brat. It can also be the Enchanted Child where the child within you escapes into daydreams and fantasy. There is also a Child archetype that I call the ‘Shut Down’ or Wounded child. This child archetype is often mute or incredibly angry. This child doesn’t know what it wants or what it likes, it feels depressed, heavy, lost, angry, unsupported and/or ‘silenced’ due to long term shunning, or a significant wounding event.

The Child within is here to support you to step into your own sovereign Self Responsibility. To no longer be dependent upon other people for acceptance. When the Child steps into its Self Responsibility, you feel strong and safe to go your own way, to stand up to your family/community when necessary.

It supports you to learn to be Self Responsible for your actions, your emotions, your belongings, and to understand how to work with your vulnerabilities and ‘weaknesses’ whilst drawing strength from your skills and talents.

The Child, like all children requires the necessary nurturing for it /you to become responsible and independent.

the victim

The victim, when it’s DEEP in Shadow is death to your dreams and desires. It is the ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I can’t because of X,Y,Z’. When you’re in your victim you’re disempowered because you’re giving your power away to others  by being how you perceive they want you to be in an attempt to be accepted and chosen.

The powerless Victim can block you because you’ve betrayed yourself, your own authority and truth, giving your power away either physically, emotionally, psychologically or spiritually to a situation or person.

 The other aspect to aligning with your Victim is to stay disempowered because you receive some perceived ‘benefit’ from it. (Which, trust me – is never a benefit in the end.)

The victim within you is there to teach you about your own needs and desires so that you may care for yourself and be in your own authentic power. The victim teaches you the boundaries you need to put in place to honour your needs and to own your personal power. It supports you to re-evaluate your relationship with power and power dynamics, particularly with people who do not honour your personal boundaries and needs.

The victim gets triggered when you feel your safety or sense of acceptance is threatened. Especially if you feel you lack the appropriate personal, professional or social power.


The prostitute comes alive in subtle, every day ways within your personal and professional lives. And it comes alive the most when you feel your survival is threatened.

Its behaviours are that where you ‘sell yourself’.

Sell out your values, morals, integrity, intelligence, skills for self acceptance, perceived opportunity and/or for the sake of physical security. Ultimately, compromising your own personal power and not being in your own self responsibility and independence.

The prostitute invites you to know your own value and worth and to honour it. To not sell yourself out for someone or something else.

It also invites you to cultivate faith. To anchor into your own guidance and knowing that by honouring You – your worth, your work, your creations, your energy that you will be supported. The Prostitute is your ally who lets know when you’re shifting your faith from what your deep knowing and vision is telling you to a short term physical outcome.

the saboteur

The Saboteur gets activated when you are fearful of change because you’re being invited into the Unknown where there is no guarantees as to whether you achieve and receive your desires and dreams.

The saboteur speaks the language of ‘who do you think you are to do that?’  or ‘lets look at your past history and track record….. see, you’re just going to stuff up here too’.

If you don’t immediately recognise  the voice of your saboteur you may note the behaviour and action of creating an ‘issue’ or ‘problem’ or ‘excuse’ as to why you can’t follow through and ultimately resulting in you sabotaging a situation, opportunity or relationship because you feel fearful of the Unknown and what it may require of you.

 The Saboteur prevents you from receiving the love and connection you desire. It also prevents you from stepping into your own independence, authenticity and creative power.

However, when we understand how the Saboteur communicates to us we can dynamically shift things up by taking action. We silence the saboteur by following our instincts / gut / intuition and taking courageous action in honour of ourSelves to create the kind of change we wish to see and experience.

Hope you’ve enjoyed reading about these guys!

Honestly, they get given a really bad rap. And we often feel disgusted, repulsed or fearful of these archetypal aspects of ourselves and repress them. But, I promise you they are your GREATEST ALLIES. They are powerful beyond measure – it just all depends on whether you are ready and willing to work with them. Instead of allowing them to own you. 

Connect with me at laurenaletta@innerhue.com and we can go from there.

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