Winter or The Dark Night of the Soul is a period of purification that is required for you to move into your own next expression in alignment, integrity and authenticity.
They are the decay, death and rebirth / renewal process within yourself and life that is required for you to continue your own evolutionary growth and transformation. This is organic growth.
Deep winters and Dark night of the Souls are powerful initiations to serve and guide you into the next phase of yourself and your life.
A workshop: 12th December
This mini workshop course will explore:
- The importance, purpose & attributes of The Dark Night of the Soul or Winter season.
- How and why your internal senses & intuitive abilities develop throughout this time.
- The etheric and astral dynamics and changes within your body.
- Finding your Footing: How to support yourself as you navigate and recalibrate within the Void.
- The risks (including psychic and technological risks) associated with the DNoS & Winter
- Connecting to your Emerging Self
- Harmonising your four bodies into coherence
- The re-memberance of your unique rhythmic cycle of evolving consciousness in relationship to Earth’s guiding energy.
This workshop is for people who recognise they have entered the disorientating yet transformative place of death and rebirth that is the recalibration of their essence and energy.
This workshop may also be helpful for practitioners who support people through transition and change.
This workshop will provide supportive insight and understanding the descending and ascending phases of a Dark Night of the Soul to support you in creating new orientation within yourself so you can re-express yourself into the world.
Cost – $120 AUD
This workshop will include:
Live session via zoom. The recording will be placed inside the mini course portal.
1 x PDF workbook
1 x guided meditation