The Intuitive Development Immersion is for people who are ready to step further into their intuitive abilities in a focused and dedicated way. They have a clear intention on how they would like to use their psychic abilities e.g; they are a therapist or practitioner within a particular modality and recognise the relevance and importance of using their intuitive perception to support the individual. The individual is aware of their own psychic intuitive abilities and wish to refine and harness them more to support them in their work.

The immersion will comprise of:

  • Guided processes to learn, refine and develop their unique skill.
  • Practical component of applying their skills on a person or subject to develop practise and confidence in skill.
  • Group sharing of experiences and feedback learning.
  • WhatsApp connection for sharing and support.
  • 3 x 1:1 sessions with me.

We will connect:

  • 2 x zoom webinar per month as a group for learning and refinement.
  • 3 x 1hr 1 : 1 session over the duration of the immersion.

Who is the intuitive development immersion for?

This is for the person who has been sensing and receiving an internal impulse that is cueing them to further embrace and embark on their own unique intuitive and psychic gifts to further develop and/or expand their skills within their current modality of service work or arena of study. Generally, this is an internal impulse you will have been receiving for some time. When you sense this inner cue it will feel both exciting and daunting. You may also recognise that you’ve been ‘preparing’ yourself to say ‘yes!’ to this inner guiding instruction.

This immersion is for someone who is ready to curiously surrender to their inner authority and take the journey of honouring the revealing internal prompts with a sense of playfulness, commitment and joy.

The intuitive immersion will require you to be proactive in self reflection, self inquiry and ready to step into practising your developing skills along with being open to share your questions and discoveries within the intimate group setting.

What is the intuitive development immersion about?

Developing our perceptive abilities is an internal process of authenticity and embracing yourself. It requires curiosity, self trust, courage to explore yourself and the world outside of normalised frontiers. You will find that the more you choose yourself the more you know yourself. And the more you know yourself the more aware and perceptive you become.

This immersion is at it’s core about deepening your relationship with your Self. Which is in turn the deepening of your relationship with your heart and heart energy. And it is through this process (along with a good dose of commitment to practise) that you will find your skill and trust in your intuition and psychic ability strengthens.

Each fortnight you will have the opportunity to sit with yourself to self explore and reflect upon the question prompts offered.

This is a highly tailored immersion experience where I work with you individually and within a group setting to gently refine and support your natural perceptive abilities.

This is not a step by step instructional course. It is highly interactive and fluid. While there will be a loose framework of topics and activities that will be offered every fortnight I will be tailoring the content delivered based on the unique needs and skill levels of those of you who join the container.

Course Outline

Call One

– Individual introduction of themselves & share on how you’re being called to develop yourself.
– How to approach intuition and self connection.
– Difference between intuition & psychic ability
– Exploring how your receive psychic information uniquely to you. Intro into Solar & Luna clairs
– Your Holy state and its importance for developing self trust and self confidence in psychic skill.
– Energy field introduction activities.

– Book in One on One session with me.

Call Two

– Individual reflection share on personal process and what you’re discovering.
– Group questions and insight suggestions.
– Learning to shift into an altered state. ‘Tuning your channel’
– Deep exploration of the major and minor Clairs.
– Guided activity. Exploration of your energy bodies – Etheric, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual layers to understand your own personal energy template and what it’s communicating & inviting you into.
– Understanding yourself as a four fold being – Physical, etheric, astral and the I.

Call Three

– Individual reflection share on personal process and what you’re discovering.
– Group questions and insight suggestions.
– Healing – exploration of personal, intergenerational and past life experiences.
– Trauma & spiritual / psychic ability.
– Understanding the lower astral plane and lower astral beings.
– Developing deeper connection with your Higher Self / Spirit essence.

– Book in One on One session with me.

Call Four

– Individual reflection share on personal process and what you’re discovering.
– Group questions & insight suggestions.
– The skill of consciously cultivating holy states within your energy field.
– The High Heart.
– The Gaia Impulse and your personal path.

Call Five & Six

The last two calls are unstructured to allow for the fluid needs of the group. This promotes responsiveness to where focus needs to be placed. This means that what has arisen within the group overarchingly over the past 2 months will be further refined and session outline and activities will be based on what is arising for each person and as a group collective.

Group calls do have a focus on energetic activities where I guide the group through a variety of processes for the individual to self discover and develop intuitive / psychic confidence.

– Book in final one on one session with me.

This immersion is for someone who is ready to curiously surrender to their inner authority and take the journey of honouring the revealing internal prompts with a sense of playfulness, commitment and joy.

The immersion is for someone who is ready to both further refine their intuitive and psychic nature to support them in their personal life, business and/or client work.

There is a maximum of 5 people within the Immersion.


$1500 aud

There is the option to pay in full or in part payments.

The Intuitive Immersion is an intimate space with only 5 -7 people per group over 3 months. If there are enough applicants, 2 groups will be created for different time zones.

Group One – Australia, New Zealand, USA
Group Two – UK & Europe.

If you would like to apply for the next Immersion intake please complete the submission questions below.

Immersion dates & time:


First session – 19th October at 11am AEST
Second session – 2nd November at 11am AEST
Third session – 16th November at 11am AEST
Fourth session – 30th November at 11am AEST
Fifth session – 14th December at 11am AEST
Final session – 4th January at 11am AEST


 Please submit your application by October 10th, 2023.






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