Inner Hue believes in our collective future potential and is so darn pleased we get to rise together.
We have reached a point in history where the health of humanity, earth and society depends on us actively developing our spiritual education in order to recognise and understand humanities organic evolutionary path as opposed to the regressive, degenerative path of technological advancement and unnatural intervention which creates disconnection with our higher spiritual senses necessary for us to thrive and rise with the spirit of earth and the heavenly realms.
- This requires us to decondition and heal our wounds, stigmas and dogmas around both spirituality and religion.
- It requires us to recognise the spiritual forces alongside progressive science.
- It requires us to take our own personal journey learning spiritual science in both a direct experiential way through inner work. As well as familiarising ourselves with the spiritual structures and bodies that make up our physical body, psychology and individual consciousness that directly connects us to the higher heavenly world.
Humanity belongs and at all times exists within two worlds.
The Earthly material world. And the heavenly spiritual world.
We have reached the point in time where we are slowly beginning to advance & transcend the earthly material world as part of our evolution. This is why we intuitively & instinctively sense a quickening of consciousness in the world.
We are rapidly entering a period of time where both dark and light spiritual forces are entering and influencing human and earthly consciousness again reflective of humanities and earths natural spiritualisation.

We are also revisiting and mirroring the end of Atlantis which was the last time humanity and earth was at a similar point of spiritualisation to where we are now. Therefore, we are seeing the resurgence of advance technology, the revealing of dark forces that are active in the world working through groups and systems and structures.
This is why you may sense a low lying inner feeling of familiarity that we have tread this path and change we’re seeing within the world before.
It is not a time of doom and gloom.
It is a time of great hope, possiblity and empowerment.
But we are going to be face significant challenges as we confront what is evil or simply degraded and therefore regressive because it is outgrown.
To be able to understand how to navigate this time, we are called within.
- We are called to cultivate our spiritual senses and connection.
- We are called to immerse ourselves in understanding spiritual/esoteric science so we can participate in the consciously directing the political, environmental, technological and societal agendas and developments that are underway.
- Man’s progressive evolution and advancements are no longer solely focused upon and directed towards mastering the material, physical world. Man’s evolution and advancements are now spiritual in nature which will then be naturally reflected upon the health and wellbeing of humanity and earth.
This is what Inner Hue is about…
In this space, we explore and develop our knowledge through teachings and practises in order to support and raise ourselves up in through this defining period of time.
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Intuitive Readings & Top Up sessions for clarity & guidance.
Get your hot hands on the magical and insightful Lumina tarot.
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Guided energy sessions Join the monthly Attune session to support you in your own
self discovery & practise.

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