Top Up Session / Follow up Session
A top up session is a great way to ‘check in’ with someone outside of yourself and the details of your life to provide you supportive confirmation and clarification on what yourself may already sense and know, leaving you feeling connected and empowered.
I will share with you what is shifting, changing and transmuting within you and your life, along with what you’re being further invited to step into and align with. So, expect within the session to be a balance of exploring both the shadow and light of yourSelf in an integrative manner.
Top up sessions can also be used as a safe place to explore your own spiritual and mystical experiences or receive support when navigating a dark night of the soul or transition period in your life.
If you are ready for a top up session, you will feel a clear, quiet knowing. You won’t be compelled out of fear or insecurity or urgency. You will feel grounded and ‘in sync’ with yourself.
Prior to having the session with me, please take time to jot down any topics or questions you’d specifically like to explore within the session and bring that no along with you.
+ A top- up session generally between 1 – 1.5 hours long.
+ I will invite you to feel into what calls you to the session & what you’d like to specifically to explore.
+ Some people use ‘top up’ sessions once a year for a general ‘check in’.
+ Top up sessions are great for developing a deeper understand into any spiritual or mystical experiences you have had.
+ If you are experiencing a dark night of the soul or the uplifting quickening of inner spiritual growth, top up sessions are also a safe and supportive place to discuss these things.